Modeling & Sports Agencies

Industry Description

This industry comprises establishments of agents and managers primarily engaged in representing and/or managing creative and performing artists, sports figures, entertainers, and other public figures. The representation and management includes activities, such as representing clients in contract negotiations; managing or organizing client's financial affairs; and generally promoting the careers of their clients.

Benchmark Data

$1 Million - $5 Million Net Sales

  • MVIC/Net Sales: 3.88
  • MVIC/Gross Profit: 4.00
  • MVIC/EBITDA: 6.98

Statistics (Modeling & Sports Agencies)

  • Number of Establishments: 7,367
  • Average Profit Margin: 8.7%
  • Revenue per Employee: $136,000
  • Average Number of Employees: 1.6
  • Average Wages per Employee: $49,420
